Duke’s Summer Training in Academic Research Day
We are excited to announce that we are having a Duke’s Summer Training in Academic Research (STAR) day at the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) on Saturday, November 2 nd at 10AM – 12PM. The location is at 200 Morris St. in Durham, NC. This unique summer program gives participants the opportunity to get hands-on medical research experience by working with a Duke faculty mentor on an original research project, which will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. At the event, you will get the chance to meet some of the faculty and staff of the STAR Program. We will also have participants from previous years who will be able to share with you their experiences during their summer with us. If interested in learning more about the program, please RSVP by completing this survey. Feel free to share this with anyone you know who may be interested. https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_diBolGBC5bQpUnb The STAR Program is open for middle and high school...