The Triangle Luncheon Civitan Club of Durham Scholarship

The Triangle Luncheon Civitan Club of Durham will award two $1,000 scholarships during the 2018-2019 school year.  These scholarships will be awarded to two seniors graduating in Spring 2019 from one of the Durham Public high schools who will further their education at a four year college (or a community college), beginning in Fall 2019. The students must reside in Durham County. 

The financial award will be made directly to the Financial Aid Office at the selected student’s post-secondary school. Students selected as winners will be invited, with a parent, to attend a lunch meeting with Triangle Luncheon Civitan Club members during the summer of 2018. At that time the winner will receive a certificate of their award, and will be asked to speak briefly about themselves and their plans.

Scholarship winners will be selected by a committee composed of members of the Triangle Luncheon Civitan Club.  Selection will be made based on points awarded by this committee when judging the various aspects of the applications.  Decisions of this committee will be final, and will not be open to review or discussion. Points will be awarded as follows:

 Academic Record – 25 points
 Financial Need – 25 points
 School activities or involvement – 20 points
 Community Service activities or involvement – 20 points
 Career Objectives – 10 points

Applications must be postmarked by April 20, 2019.  School guidance counselors will be notified before the end of May of students selected as awardees.

The scholarship application consists of two parts:

Part 1 – Student Application To be completed by the student applicant, this form requires full information concerning the applicant’s academic record, family and student financial situation, student financial need, school and community involvement, and other considered factors.  By completing and signing this section of the scholarship application, students are agreeing to allow their school to provide the information requested in the School Statement, and to the decision of the TLC Scholarship Committee.

Part 2 – School Statement The applicant’s high school counselor, principal or another academic official at the high school must complete the form included in this packet.  This completed form, along with the student’s complete high school transcript, may be provided to the student applicant in a sealed envelope with the evaluator’s signature across the flap or it may be mailed directly to the scholarship committee by the person completing and signing the form. If provided to the student, the school’s documents must be included in the student’s application package, still in their sealed/signed envelope.

More information and the application documents can be found here

Applications should be submitted by mail to:

Triangle Luncheon Civitan Club Scholarship Committee c/o Sheila Durham 1311 Meadston Dr. Durham, NC 27712

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