Advising Appointments

Thank you to everyone who has signed up and/or shown up for your advising session. For those who haven't done so, remember that your account will not be unlocked for college course registration until you have met with an advisor. Those who have already met with Mr. Evans and need to return parent signatures to take more than four courses should return the signature form no later than Monday, October 23rd.

Due to the amount of students who still need to be advised, Mrs. Gould will begin assisting us next week. Moving forward, SENIORS will work with Mrs. Gould and JUNIORS will work with Mr. Evans. Mrs. Gould will send out an e-mail to your Durham Tech e-mail account (for seniors only) with a link to her appointment calendar. If you have already met with Mr. Evans, you do not have to meet with Mrs. Gould. This is only for seniors who have not received advising yet. If you are a senior who has an appointment with Mr. Evans on October 23rd, you may keep that appointment. Senior appointments throughout the rest of the week will be cancelled as you are now expected to meet with Mrs. Gould. 

JUNIORS who have not received advising yet should schedule an appointment with Mr. Evans asap. IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY IN MATH 3, YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PLACEMENT TESTING DONE BEFORE COMING TO ADVISING. 

Lastly, if you have already submitted a Self-Service request, you do not have to make an appointment. You may also still submit Self-Service requests in lieu of making an appointment if you wish. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

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