College Registration & Advising Updates

Thank you to everyone who attended Town Hall last week and learned about the registration and advising process for Spring 2018 college courses. For those who did not attend, here is a brief recap.

1. Students who have not passed a placement test (i.e. NC DAP, SAT, ACT, preACT, or PSAT) should take the NC DAP prior to their assigned registration date. (Dates were emailed in Mrs. Navarro's previous two e-mails.) If you have not taken Math 3 and you are not currently enrolled in it, you should not take the math portion of the test.You can find the testing schedule and test prep options at this site.

2. Students can choose to do course registration using one of the two options which are listed below.

a) Use your Self-Service account to request a review of your intended college courses. Students have learned in their ACA 122 class how to do this and should have already mapped out the classes they plan to take. We also reviewed how to do this at Town Hall last week. After you load your courses into Self-Service, be sure to select Request a Review so that I will be sent an e-mail which will let me know your courses have been loaded. Once I approve your selections, you will get an e-mail verification. If you are not comfortable with this option, then you may...

b) See me for an advising session. Today I had Walk-In Advising Hours (i.e. first come, first served) from 9:00-12:30 & 1:30-4:00 as announced at Town Hall. I will do this again on Friday from 9:00-10:30. I will schedule walk-in hours for the following week later. If you cannot meet during these hours, contact me for an appointment. 

3) If you need to change your plan of study (ex. Associate of Arts to Associate of Science or Auto Tech to Office Systems), you must fill out the form that was distributed by Mrs. Gould at the assembly. If you need a copy, see #4.

4) The principal will send an e-mail announcing when the following documents will be ready for pick up...
  • High School Schedules
  • Credit Substitution Forms
  • Change in Plan of Study
  • Request to take More than Four Courses
5) Lastly, we have learned that the Department of Public Instruction will no longer allow high school course credit for college PED courses beginning with the 2018/2019 school year. Therefore juniors who registered for a PED course this semester should be sure to pass it. Juniors who still need a course should plan to take it next semester. I sent an individual e-mail to affected students on Friday of last week.

Thank you and I hope this information has been helpful.---Mr. Evans

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