Hampton University On-Site Admissions

The Hampton University Office of Admissions and the Raleigh Chapter National Hampton Alumni Association invite you to attend an On-Site Admissions and Information Event

Sunday, October 15, 2017 @ 3:30 PM

Martin St. Baptist Church Family Life Center, 1005 E. Martin St. Raleigh, NC 27601

Doors Open & Registration Begins @ 3:00 PM

High School Seniors will receive an immediate admissions decision at the event and are automatically considered for merit scholarships (if eligible).
Note: The initial review process for scholarships begins in December.
All high school students, parents, and counselors are welcome to attend the information session.

For more information on admissions requirements, please visit:http://admissions.hamptonu.edu/

For more information on scholarship eligibility requirements,
please visit: http://admissions.hamptonu.edu/page/Scholarship-Information

High School seniors need to bring the following information to participate in the on-site admissions process:

  • Please apply online at http://admissions.hamptonu.edu/page/How-to-Apply-Freshman, print the Signature Page & bring it with you and the following items to the on-site.
  • Application fee of $35.00 (non-refundable). Only cashier's check/money order accepted.
  • Standardized Test Results ACT or SAT scores                                                                       Note: ACT/SAT scores submission is optional for students with at least a 3.30 cumulative academic GPA or who rank in the top 10 percent of their class, but mandatory for all students wishing to be considered for merit scholarships. Only SAT scores from March 2016 and beyond are considered in the application and scholarship review process.
  • OFFICIAL high school transcript Note: Wake County Public Schools students may bring an unofficial transcript to the on-site as long as the official transcript is sent to the school.
  • One (1) letter of recommendation from a guidance counselor or teacher
  • An autobiographical essay or a 250-500 word response to the following question: If your name were an acronym, what would it stand for and how would it reflect your strengths and personality?

Please RSVP to the Raleigh Chapter NHAA via evite at http://evite.me/FbQQMjB4Fw or email at raleighnhaa@yahoo.com or call/text 919-906-6361 by October 13, 2017. Please include your name, class year, phone number, high school and intended major in your RSVP message.

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