Registration Advising Hours

This page will be updated weekly until November 6th as new Walk In Advising Sessions are added.

I am currently doing advising for Spring 2018 college course registration between now and November 6th. Students must do advising with me through their Self-Service account or via a meeting with me. Students' accounts will remain locked and they will not be able to register for courses until they have completed advising. Below I have listed days/times for Walk In Advising Sessions. This means students may show up without an appointment. They will be seen on a first come/first served basis. All sessions will be held in my office...Newton Building, 4-106.

Monday, October 9...9:00-12:30 and 1:30-4:00
Friday, October 13...9:00-10:30

Monday, October 16...9:30-12:30 and 1:30-4:00
Tuesday, October 17...9:30-12:00

Beginning the week of October 23rd, seniors who have not already been advised should schedule an appointment with Mrs. Gould. She will send an e-mail to your DTCC e-mail account with instructions. If you have already met with Mr. Evans or submitted a self-service request, you do not have to meet with her. Juniors will continue to meet with Mr. Evans. 

Depending on the amount of credit hours already completed via Durham Tech, your registration date could be as early as October 30th. Please do not wait until the end of the advising period to seek advising. If you wait and I am unavailable, you will run the risk of not having your account unlocked on your registration day. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Mr. Evans

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