RE: Academic Assistance with Durham Tech Classes

Dear Students:

Ms. Navarro has asked me to follow up with any student who experienced difficulty in their Durham Tech classes last semester, and I will be contacting each of you individually in the next two weeks. However, I thought it would be useful for ALL OF YOU to be aware of academic support resources available to you through Durham Tech's Center for Academic Excellence.

If you are struggling in one or more of your college classes, I strongly recommend the following:

1.  Talk with your college instructor and find out when he/she holds office hours.  Getting to know your instructor and receiving 1:1 assistance is always valuable.

2. The Center for Academic Excellence offers a schedule for drop-in tutoring in various subjects. Their schedule is available in the mail-box outside Ms. Brown's office (Bldg. 4, Rm. 121)

3. The Center for Academic Excellence also offers online tutoring through their Upswing progam.  In order to take advantage of this, you have to turn in a parental permission form.  I have stapled this form to the CAE schedule in Ms. Brown's mail box.

4.  Your MCHS teachers/counselors  are always willing to help you be successful in all your classes. If you are struggling, please let us know ASAP.

I look forward to meeting with as many of you as I can before Ms. Brown returns.  She will follow up with those of you whom I don't have time to see. I will be in Rm. 121 MWF between 9:00 and 11:00.  If you are on campus, please stop by to see me then.

Thanks a lot---

Jim Warburg
Interim Counselor
919-536-7203 x 1207

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