Full Ride Alert! Call for Nominations: The Morehead-Cain Scholarship-A Full Ride to UNC Chapel Hill

Established in 1945 and modeled after the Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University, the Morehead-Cain was the first merit scholarship program in the United States. It is a unique, fully-funded, educational opportunity that includes an undergraduate scholarship to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a summer enrichment program offering a life-enhancing combination of global travel, research, and realworld work experience in public service and the private sector, and a discovery fund for educational opportunities during the academic year. Morehead-Cain Scholars have access to support and advice from dedicated Morehead-Cain advisors throughout their collegiate experience, and have the opportunity to interact with nearly 3,000 Morehead-Cain Alumni who live and work around the globe.

In every senior class, there is a handful of dynamic leaders that sets the standard higher for the rest—in conduct and achievement, in the classroom, and in extracurricular activities. They may be active in traditional activities, such as student government, clubs, and the arts, or they may have ventured out into new or less-established areas. In either case, they have added to the positive spirit of our school and community. Their advice is sought, and you call on them to resolve issues. They get involved because they care about their community—not for selfish reasons. These students may challenge you with their creativity and energy, but they excite and reward you as an educator. Without them, the senior class would be less active and engaged. It is from this elite group we hope to select our nominees.
Our Morehead-Cain nominees must demonstrate all of the following criteria:
 • Scholarship • Leadership • Moral force of character • Physical vigor

MCHS can nominate 2 students for the Morehead-Cain scholarship. Candidates should be a competitive applicant to UNC Chapel Hill and must demonstrate all 4 components of a Morehead-Cain scholar. 

Interested students should submit the following to Mrs. Brown at tiffany.brown@dpsnc.net by no later than September 27th at 5:00pm to be considered for nomination:
  • A resume and/or brag sheet
  • A 1 page statement stating why you are interested in Morehead-Cain and how you exemplify the 4 characteristics. 
Make sure to title your email "Morehead-Cain Scholarship Nomination Application". Selected nominees will be notified of the Scholarship Committee's selection by September 30th at 5:00pm.

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