John Wright Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Value: $5,000
Awards Available: 1
Award Deadline: March 15, 2019

The John Wright Memorial Scholarship Program funds one student scholarship per year. This scholarship was established at TREE Fund by Wright Tree Service in honor and memory of its founder, John L. Wright, and his son, John R. Wright. Learn more about Wright Tree Service and the founding family here.

The purpose of this one-year scholarship is to support the arboriculture industry by helping college students interested in commercial arboriculture achieve high academic goals without accumulating burdensome debt.

Applicants must be high school seniors entering college or community college, or returning college students seeking a first bachelor's degree or associate's degree while attending an accredited US college or university. All applicants must plan to enter the commercial arboriculture industry. Special consideration will be given for honorably discharged veterans and present members of the United States Armed Forces, Reserves and National Guard.

One $5,000 scholarship will be awarded annually, to be paid in full at the start of the fall semester after the spring application cycle (e.g. apply in January to March 2019 for the Fall 2019 Semester). The award is non-renewable, but can be applied for annually. All awards will be paid directly to the educational institution attended by the recipient, in full, after required documentation has been received. Awards may only be applied to tuition expense, and applicants may not request scholarships greater than the anticipated amount of their tuition expense for the academic year in which the grants will be paid.

All of the following criteria must be met to qualify:

A) Pursuing a career in the commercial arboriculture industry

B) Entering or returning student at an accredited undergraduate institution in the United States

C) 3.0 GPA minimum

D) United States citizen

E) Employed at least part-time

Go to Scholarship Application:
John Wright Memorial Scholarship

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