Full Scholarship – STEM and Business – Texas A&M

The Brockman Scholars Program invites applications for a merit-based full-ride scholarship that covers five years of study at the College Station campus of Texas A&M University.
The Brockman Scholarship supports four years of undergraduate study in an approved Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Mathematics (STEM) program followed by the one-year MS Business graduate degree for non-business majors at Texas A&M’s Mays Business School.
Top students are encouraged to apply for this prestigious scholarship via the application portal at www.brockmanfoundation.org.
Applications for study beginning in the 2020 – 2021 academic year are open on September 1, 2019. The application deadline is 5pm United States Central Time on December 1, 2019.
The Brockman Scholarship covers tuition fees in full, room and board, transportation, books and supplies, and an overseas study opportunity. The BSP offers around 50 new scholarships each year.
American citizens resident anywhere in the world may apply for the scholarship. International (non-US) students may apply if they can obtain a visa to study in the US. All applicants, including international students, must have an SAT or ACT score (equivalents are not accepted).
It is imperative that applicants understand this scholarship provides for both an undergraduate and post-graduate degree. It is a condition of being awarded the scholarship that the recipient will enroll in, and successfully complete, both the four-year undergraduate STEM degree and the MS Business graduate degree program.
For more information about the Brockman Scholars Program, please see our Frequently Asked Questions section here www.brockmanfoundation.org/brockman-scholars-faqs

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