Brady/Cobin Law Group Scholarship

The scholarship will have three prizes, ranging from $500 to $2,500. High school seniors are eligible to apply, as long as they plan to use the money to pay for college-related expenses.

To apply, students must submit an essay response to one of the following prompts:
  • What does legacy mean to you? What do you think it means to leave a legacy? Are there different kinds of valuable legacies? What sort of legacy do you want to leave behind?
  • Imagine you are 65, retired, and looking over your will. What advice would you give your younger self about retirement planning, saving, investing, writing a will etc. What are the most important steps for planning for your future?
  • Think about the legacy you want to leave behind. How important will estate planning, creating a will, and other planning be to maintaining your legacy?

The deadline to apply for the scholarship is May 1, 2020. The winners will be announced in June.

This is a newer scholarship, so we are looking for applicants. I was hoping you could share this scholarship with your students.

The application and more information can be found here:

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