Financial Aid Tips for Students Affected by the Coronavirus

Financial Aid Tips for Students
Affected by the Coronavirus

The coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak affected the lives of students in many ways. It may have interrupted your college planning and created concerns about your financial aid. This flyer addresses some common financial aid concerns related to efforts to stop the spread of the virus.

FAFSA Completion
If you are a high school senior and have not yet completed your FAFSA, there is still time to submit.  For assistance, go to to get your FSA ID (and an ID for one parent) and complete your FAFSA.

FAFSA Completion Assistance
The financial aid community is ready to assist all students with FAFSA completion.  To find a financial aid contact near you, go to and click on your county. You can also find a line-by-line FAFSA walk through at

Already Completed Your FAFSA?
Remember to check your Student Aid Report (SAR) that you received in your email after you submitted your FAFSA. The SAR will provide an Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) and provide instructions if there are any changes that need to be made.  Go to, log in with your FSA ID, on the “My FAFSA” page, select “view” my Student Aid Report (SAR).

Grants and Scholarships
Remember that your home state of North Carolina offers grants to cover higher education expenses.  Grants do not have to be paid back after your graduation.  Only form required is the FAFSA. To learn more about grants for North Carolina students, go to

Scholarship Searches
This is a good time to be searching for scholarships.  CFNC has a long list of scholarships many of which still are open for applications.  The publication, “Student Financial Aid for North Carolinians” is also posted on the scholarship page,

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